eksek viathinksoft

Hi! We are taccon.

We were born as a hobby project to create freeware for Desktop computers that would be a good alternative to commercial software. We started in 2002, with our roots reaching back to 1999.

Over the years we created many software projects. Some of them still exist and you can find them here on our homepage. Others were discontinued. But we love all of them!

Thank you. We hope you are okay.

In 1999, the taccon audioplayer was one of our first projects we did. Back then, for Windows only. Some years later, in 2004, we finally released the version 3.0 (named audioplayer3), featuring a convenient playlist-based handling and support for many audio formats.

After leaving the project abandoned for more than 10 years, we rewrote it completely in 2016 and rolled out a new version – staying with the name audioplayer3 since we found it iconic enough (even though starting from version 1 again) – for Mac computers. It is based on a platform independent C++ core that we want to re-use for other platforms, too. Introcuding a new JSON based playlist format and future support for SoundCloud, the player combines the classic handling of a small, playlist based media player with the features you expect from such a software in our current times.

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When developing (especially for the web), you have to keep many services running in the background that preprocess or serve your code. Controllr is a relatively new project (from 2017) which allows you to define tasks that permanently have to run in the background and manage their state with a simple and straight-forward UI.

This works very well with docker containers that can be started or stopped via this.

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Thomas Bretzke
Bellevuestraße 4
16540 Hohen Neuendorf

Telefon: (03303) 539139

E-Mail: hallo@kiefernwald.net

Designed and crafted by Kiefernwald.

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